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IPL Skin Rejuvenation

IPL Intense Pulse Light Treatment for Redness & Pigmentation*

Skin rejuvenation with IPL can be done on the face, neck, chest and hands to gradually remove broken capillaries, spider veins and improve skin pigmentation.

For people looking to liven up their complexions, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) skin rejuvenation can help to address a number of skin concerns. This method utilizes controlled thermal damage to change the appearance of the skin. Using rapid light pulses of variable wavelengths on targeted areas, IPL can correct skin irregularities without touching surrounding tissue. The light that is applied to a specific area is converted into heat energy that is absorbed by the irregularities that are being targeted for correction.

IPL skin rejuvenation is also commonly used as a photo rejuvenation technique that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the face to increase overall luminosity for a more youthful, fresh appearance. When used as an acne treatment IPL can help to reduce acne bacteria behind red, painful breakouts and inflammation. IPL skin rejuvenation can help to address many of the same issues as more aggressive skin treatments without the recovery time or complexity. For many patients, it is a wise first line of treatment when addressing skin issues related to ageing, sun-damage or discolouration.

What to expect when having IPL skin rejuvenation done

During IPL skin rejuvenation, a light is applied that helps to trigger collagen production to address irregularities while also filling in any shallow areas from scars, lines and wrinkles. The wavelength on the IPL machine is adjusted for each patient to create optimal results. An IPL treatment is a fast, pain-free procedure. During your treatment session, you may feel a slight sensation on your skin. IPL skin rejuvenation sometimes requires several treatment sessions to achieve full results. However, the number of treatments needed is determined by your specific aesthetic goal for a particular issue. IPL typically delivers long-lasting results that can be boosted by occasional maintenance treatments. A professional skincare regiment can also help to enhance and lengthen the impact of IPL.

Unlike many corrective skin treatments, IPL skin rejuvenation does not require any downtime. That means that you’ll generally be free to return to the rest of your day following a treatment session. Occasionally, some patients experience some very temporary redness in the treatment area. It’s also possible that the skin in the treated area will feel sensitive for a few weeks. You will be advised on how to protect your skin from the sun as part of your post-treatment plan for creating optimal results.

Who is an ideal candidate for IPL skin rejuvenation?

IPL skin rejuvenation can be a good option for anyone who is bothered by pigmentation issues, redness or acne. Generally, someone with blotchy, unevenly colored or sun-damaged skin can enjoy an even, bright skin tone following this procedure. Many patients find that it creates noticeable improvements in skin texture while also reducing lines and wrinkles. Different skin types can respond to IPL skin rejuvenation differently. For this reason, a consultation that covers the results you can expect based on your aesthetic goals is important for determining if IPL skin rejuvenation is the best option.


Full Face $250

Half Face $200

Quarter Face $150

Hands $150

Neck $200

Chest $250

Book three areas and receive 10% off

Packages available